The Cosmic Human 2.0

Reconnecting You to Source Energy & Consciousness

Neurogenetic Consciousness Attunement

Awaken your divine immortal Authentic self & reconnect to God/Universal Source energy & Cosmic Intelligence. Learn how to integrate universal wisdom to embody and activate your highest human potential, allowing you to intentionally create your reality and live in heaven on earth daily! You will thrive in the consistent abundance of joy, love, peace, and prosperity – being fully present and consciously living with optimum fulfillment in your human experience.

In this Level One Embodiment Program, you will…


Realize your intuition and innate clairvoyancy to access higher knowledge and inner wisdom to help you lead in our communities.  You will learn how to trust your intuition to guide your journey to fulfillment.


Activate your ability to manifest abundance in all areas of the human experience including love, wealth, experiences and joyous emotions, encouraging others to join the revolution. You will awaken your own power to manifest.


Embody your body's innate technology from unconscious to SUPER conscious intelligence states. You will activate your atoms, synaptic neurons, neural feedback networks, and emotional fields - an awakening to a new reality that will transform your life.

Topics Include:







Neurocircuitry Advancement

It Is Time For The Human Species To Discover The Power They Contain

You were born as a Master Creator with 5 conscious bodies.

You simply have to activate what’s already within your Genetic DNA to have access to them.

Now is a time for the Great Ascension for the Planetary Transformation of what it means to be human and the divinity of sacred power that human souls contain.

It is time for us to start treating the human body with the respect, reverence, and sacred Divinity that it is and for how it was created – for we were made in that image of the Divine God Creator Self, Source of All. We too have access. We are the Eternal mind…as above so below, heaven and Earth is very real there is a lighter light version light body that you are... your Divine blueprint your Divine seed code of who you came in here to be and the physical flesh is just an avatar that your Consciousness is projecting through. you have many other avatars in different existences and I highly suggest you get to know them because they're different versions of You… Higher versions of you, and they'll help you ascend here on this planet at this time.

It is time for us to start recognizing that we are a multi-dimensional Consciousness processing system in a human flesh suit and we have access to different realities and worlds and can run high amounts of frequency, sound, energy, and light through our physical human vehicle. there have been many great minds in science that have gone before us that have been so suppressed and covered up by modern-day man to allow our medical fields, mathematical fields, and our scientific research to be kept from us, of what we know the Human experience to be in the human body's its powers and potential that it contains.

When we activate the other five energetic bodies and the Consciousness points that we have access to and allow our self-regulating and self-automating systems to flow in harmony with the memory cells and crystalline complex, intelligent processing system we contain – that is when true health and vitality are achieved.

This might seem  ‘unreal’ – however, we must get comfortable with accepting these deep truths of the unseen aspects of ourselves. Even the human eye can only see a small percentage of all colors! Let’s look at common facts:

  • We can’t see Wi-Fi, but you can sign in and access it…

  • We can’t see x-rays, but we can capture the imaging by using it…

  • We can’t see radio waves, however we have millions of stations and songs that we can tune in to and listen to music…

  • We can’t see microwaves, however it cooks and heats our food and drinks…

  • We can’t see emotions, however we feel them deeply and they are very real – you catch my drift…

Living Heaven on Earth is a state of mind and energetic vibration that you choose to tune into and embody or you do not – simply, as if to choose to “tune into” a country or soft rock radio station. That’s how crystal clear this Self Mastery is once you understand how to turn and dial-in the cosmic knobs of the Etheric Cosmos.

It Is Time for you to have the answers to these questions and truly start living your soul’s highest expression.

· Why are you doing what you are doing?

· Who Are You? Why Are You Here?

· Are you in control of your consciousness?

· Do you know what it truly means to have a human body that’s finite when you are an Eternal Infinite Energetic Consciousness Light Being occupying the human body as a vehicle to navigate This Earth's Reality?

It’s time to realign reconnect, re-attune, and remember who and what we are, activating the natural dormant DNA and power of the human body and consciousness field we are and always have been.

We have to marry both physical and metaphysical in order for true healing, balance, enlightenment, and alignment to the TRUTH of what we are and are capable of by being in our human mechanical and programmable machines/bodies.

Self-awareness + self regulation= establishing homeostasis and vitality on the quantum level, and then BY LAW has to manifest through the downward causation of creation.

This Powerful Program Provides:

Online Workshops

13+ weeks high voltage training to engage your mind and activate your spirit to bring your life into alignment.

Learn Energetic Practices

Develop tools to regain your power in taking the quality of your life and health back into your own hands and find fulfillment.

At Your Pace Educational Material

Easy-to-follow course materials are offered as a lifetime asset with this course allowing you to come back to the teachings anytime.

Awaken Dormant DNA Codes

Reprogramming activations of atoms, molecules, synaptic neurons, neural feedback networks, and emotional fields that are permanent.

Live Mentorship Calls

Mentorship calls to guide you through practices that you can incorporate into your daily life.

In-Person Events

In-person opportunity to experience off-planet technology, CE5 Mediation interaction with Celestial beings & more!

Soul Family Connection

Get connected with like-minded individuals on their soul journey. Join our private Facebook group & be a part of a close-knit community.

Earth’s Reintegration Revealed, Becoming the Cosmic Citizen

Live the Real Human Experience

How the Program Is Delivered

The Universal Truths and Embodiment must be experienced, practiced, and trained in order to be activated and grounded in the human biology. That is why this is a live program and powerful shared multidimensional training and journey. It is a new way of shaping your reality on Earth. Although the concepts and wisdom come from the Universal Intelligence of Source and the higher realms, they are delivered through grounded tools and practices. This is what creates such a permanent transformation.

1. Weekly Live Immersions with Alison Rose Grace

We will come together live online for 13 weeks. In order to continue to the next level you must fully complete level one curriculum ( preferably live, however, if you need to catch a replay that is fine)Sessions include a multidimensional journey with deep eternal wisdom and truth revealed to your soul, Personal soul encounters with higher aspects of yourself, as well as spiritual tools, and activations to help live in our true Mastery on earth gifted and taught from the Ascended Masters, Great White Brotherhood, Galactic Councils including The Council of Five, Lyrans, Sirians, Arcturians, Andromedans, and the Rainbow Race. Plus, there is time for sharing and questions. If you can’t make it live for one week, you’ll be able to access the replay.

2. Private Individual Care Or Within A Group Setting

It is with deep integrity and honor I help guide your soul through this ascension process, if at any time you feel you need to speak to Alison Rose Grace you will have direct email access to her private account. You can download the sessions each week, and revisit each journey and training as often as you like. Each time you go through the portal you have a NEW experience, since this is inter-dimensional travel, just like once you visit a new spot, let’s say a beach, you really enjoyed you may visit there at another time in your life and have a completely new and different experience.

3. Soul and Star Family Reunion

This is time for the reunion of the Human Family and the reconnection and reintegration of earth kin and star kin across the multiverse. This is a gathering of soul family, all activating and supporting one another. There is Pure Power of God/Source Energy where two or more are gathered and that is why community and connection are key! You will be able to strengthen this inside our private online group. You can share with other students and witness each other grow and live in the highest expression.

Meet Your Facilitator

Alison Rose Grace

Galactic Ambassador For Planetary Consciousness Ascension

As a Universal Systems Scientist, I implement strategies and systems to serve all beings and components involved. 

I am a trailblazer & leader for the Bioenergetic Multidimensional Medical Centers and Regen Ecofriendly self-generating resorts and sanctuaries for true healing & equilibrium of humanity's physical, mental, and emotional states and environmental society.

Specializing in Elemental Medicine directly places me as a pioneer in Quantum Medicine and Plasma field Self Healing.

I am currently teaching and applying the ancient and universal research that has always been with us since the creation of the planet, just suppressed and not allowed to be shared, taught, or technology out in the mainstream market.

Eagle Eye Precision

Level One Embodiment Program Overview

Weeks 1 – 3

Mission Briefing and Vehicle Prep

Reuniting the Divine Soul and Spirit Within

Where We Are & Where We Are Going
The Nature of Souls on Earth
Human Energy Systems in The Multiverse

Weeks 4 – 10

Understanding and Applying The Universal Laws

The Light Shall Set You Free- From Self To Cosmic Consciousness

12 Universal Laws
21 Sub-Laws of the Universe

Weeks 11 – 13

Living in The Higher Dimensions Of Reality

True Meaning of Free Will /Living as a Sacred Activity

Lasting Personal Transformation
The Electromagnetic Grids
Affirmations & Manifestations

Access to Exclusive Training & Content

Learn practical applications for knowledge of the human brain and body architecture which contributes to The Awakening of the Divine organizational map

Be guided through movements and exercises that elicit higher levels of awareness

Learn energetic hygiene techniques to help improve relationships with family, friends, and work

Come open to unlearn, rewire, reconnect, activate and Align to build your life intentionally

Be guided through a living lab experiment to experience your inner dimensions and expand your Consciousness beyond your physical form.

Learn practical tools to achieve fulfillment in life by applying practical guidance

Step into the grandest Divine true authentic version of yourself and manifest abundance

Live the Human experience of your dreams including love, wealth, experiences, joyous emotions

Graduating CEREMONY

Upon completing this embodiment course, you will receive access to an invite-only VIP Immersion Experience to integrate the full body of your new-found knowledge into your daily life through unique in-person experiences, techniques, and tools.

Emerge Into The Elevated Self

Surviving vs. Thriving

How To Overcome and CONQUER The Limiting Beliefs of Ego, Trying To Keep You Disempowered.

You May Hear The Ego Say: “I’m not ready / I'm not worthy / It’s not the right time.”

Old limiting beliefs will keep you small, but your Soul and HIGHER SELF strategically guided you to this offering of SOUL EXPANSION. Your soul is excited! MORE OF IT GETS TO COME THROUGH AND EXPERIENCE THIS LIFE. ! When I started listening to my soul and not old programs that were created from trauma, I saw how my soul was pure, and perfect and wanted to expand and dance and play and show me how beautiful, how strong, and how powerful it was! However, I HAD TO LET IT IN, and the only way to do that is to give it the SPACE AND CONTAINER for it to come through. It began first with me listening to my SOUL AND GOD's UNIVERSAL SOURCE GUIDANCE and not the small ego that is an illusion. –Remembering that we came into this world innocent, pure, whole, full of everything we needed to complete our mission, however somewhere along the way we forgot who we are, Reclaiming our spiritual technologies and activating our innate DNA and RNA to travel to higher realms and live Heaven on Earth is our God Given Inheritance. Accessing our multidimensional power is the most effortless thing you’ll ever do. After all, that is your natural frequency. There are 2 versions of my human life here: Alison before I remembered my power and natural born abilities and Alison Rose Grace Master Creator deliberately designing my reality and living in Heaven on Eather each moment. I invite you to step into your power and remember why you came here.


You May Hear The Ego Say: “I don’t have time.”

You can not give what you don’t have. An empty cup can not fill another glass, that is why self-work and self-love is the first foundational brick to lay for the cornerstone of transformation, if we do not go inward to where the distortions live and occurred then there is no way to truly heal and transform the outside reality of what we experience. As long as we have those blockages, fragments, and trauma being stored in the body, mind, and soul then it will automatically distort our waking experience and day-to-day interaction with others. That is like looking through a broken microscope lens, no matter if you change the slides, the lens is cracked and each slide will reveal that crack. we too must heal, mend and grow the cracks within us that allow illusions and limiting beliefs to live. for once we fill the space with Divine Light There is no room for the shadows to stay. I PROMIS YOU that when you prioritize your healing and Souls expansion directly levels up a hundredfold all aspects of your life – family, work, relationships, and health. This is a deeply transformational program, but it is not time intensive. The live sessions are 90 minutes per week. You can revisit the sessions as much or as little as you feel guided. And it comes down to choosing what we wish to create space for – Do you want to keep living in groundhogs day? or Do you want to THRIVE AND EMBODY YOUR DREAMS AND DESIRES NOW?


You May Hear The Ego Say: “I shouldn’t spend money on myself or this type of thing.”

It is Universal Law that we must think, act, and do that which we want in order to fully experience that. If we want anything in life, we first must put forth the effort. That starts with a thought or a desire for that, then it leads to inspiration or an idea on how to get or achieve that, which is followed by a solution for you to engage with to have an experience that ends result. This is as simple as wanting a piece of cake and getting in your car and driving to the store to pick up the solution of offerings of cakes in the bakery., to as complex as wanting to lose weight to dedicate time to a daily routine and investing into healthier food options and the solutions of a committing yourself to personal trainer regimen. Money is a piece of paper that has a value that was decided on by modern man the monetary value when in all reality it’s an energy exchange system. All you are doing is playing tug of war with the Ego and the HIGHER AUTHENTIC TRUE SOUL SELF of dedicating time and energy to fully embody your truth.

Payment Plans Are Offered

Speak with Alison to Discover which level Aligns For You

Message for the Soul Family

from Alison Rose Grace

We are living in an exciting time where science has now proven this theory that we are all energy, living in an energetic universe that responds to the power and the vibration of our thoughts — which ultimately controls our waking reality, the perception of life, and even the health of the body and cells.

My life’s passion and Soul Mission is to awaken others to their God-given and Divine Inheritance of what it truly means to be Human and thus, I have developed this Embodiment Program to assist and teach about the mind-body-spirit connection in regard to how to heal your body, transform your life, and live the life of your dreams, Not chase them and hope you get to experience it. I PROMISE YOU IF YOU FOLLOW THE MODULES YOU WILL BE A WHOLE NEW HUMAN WITH POWERFUL ABILITIES CREATING THE BEST LIFE EVER, I am living proof, I went from suicidally depressed survivor to master creator thriving living heaven on earth every day!

  • Like anything in life, you will get out of this masterclass what you put into it. The results you get are up to you! We can promise that if you commit to the process and put in the work, you will see results.

  • The insights you learn will definitely be share-worthy, but the activities in each class are tailored for the individuals in that specific group. In order for your friends to get the best results, we recommend they sign up to take the masterclass themselves.

  • Yes! You will receive a $300 credit good for any of our online courses for each friend you send our way.

  • We want your experience to be interactive and personal, so we limit each group to a maximum of 20 participants. This gives you plenty of opportunities to ask questions and interact with one another.

  • We’re so glad you loved this masterclass. It is the first in a series of 4 other courses we offer. Check out the courses page for more information.

Financing, payment plans, and certain scholarships are available for those who need it


This is a very powerful permanent life-changing EMBODIMENT Program of Arcane Ancient Universal wisdom and spiritual tools that we have all come here to activate and attune back into alignment with. Currency is a sacred Divine flow of giving and receiving and the NEW WAY to BE in service and harmony to your soul’s mission and calling.

If you feel called, please book a Discovery Call and we will find a plan that works for you.
This is for all souls who are ready and are feeling called to level up and invest in their HIGHEST SELF TO BE REALIZED HERE NOW.