
My name is Rose Grace and it has been a very long journey home — however, now fully embodied and ready to serve, I stand For All souls to realize the true innate power they are and contain as gods in human form. I stand for humanity’s freedom from planetary enslavement. I stand for global Ascension and planetary world wealth equality.

My vision for humanity is a place where we all co-live and collaborate — living in Oneness with Gaia, the multiverse, and our galactic brothers and sisters — vibrating on the same vibration of divine love, peace, and joy. My vision is a world where all human souls realize their true authentic selves as a powerful consciousness field, soul, as having a human experience whom at any given moment can alter and change their reality and their experience to their liking. As well as travel to other dimensions and realms meeting all aspects of their unified self.

My mission is to awaken a planet of sleeping Gods to their dormant power that has been kept from them for aeons — allowing them to fully activate and empower their lives to truly experience what the heart and soul desire.

I do this through:

• Divine Living Light Curriculum Courses
• Ancient Embodiment Immersion Experiences
• Quantum Transmissions
• Sacred Living Light Encodements
• Spiritual Fitness Mentorship Program
• Quantum Medical Intake Prescriptions
• Science and Technology Sovereignty Summits

All offered here on this portal to heavenly realms,
Rose Grace


So much beautiful cosmic memory has fully returned, allowing my soul to fully embrace and use this bio-transducer of my human biological body to be used correctly. To really see a society, species, and civilization fail — watching the planetary control keep them from understanding how to correctly use the vehicle of their body, which houses the soul & their true power — is beyond criminal.

On purpose, we have been kept enslaved and separate from our physical Divinity, which is our spiritual inheritance of how to naturally evolve and progress Connected with the Source of all our CREATOR.

We’ve had, and still do have, the technology, resources, and knowledge to evolve and innovate every level of our human existence on planet earth. The unsustainable, false, fear-based systems are no longer active and humanity has awakened to the nightmare of false holographic projections of fake events, fake news, fake media — a fake way of being and living. To the point of poisonous fake food being given to us, fake pharma “medicine” killing us, our water poisoned and our air sprayed, our education which is confusing and grooming our children into mental health conditions — enough is enough!


We are now entering into the Aquarian 7th Golden Age of authentic divine pure co-creatorship. Within all of us, we have awakened our Unity Consciousness and have remembered, to some degree, the soul's mission within our hearts and within our being. We have begun to question Who Am I, why am I here, and what is my purpose. These are all questions that will be answered for each of you — questions that are very relevant and of impeccable importance to this scientific phenomena that we are all witnessing and will go through together as the human race.

Understanding the intelligence system that is innately and finally interconnected with Source creation and the Divine Eternal mind is a life-changing realization that automatically starts to work the instant you bring your awareness and your attention to it. It is the equivalent of turning the light switch on in your home; you're instantly going to bring your circuitry back online, which will automatically tripwire your human body's Consciousness system to begin to self-regulate, self-automate, and bring your DNA and RNA dormant genetics back to the surface.

The human body is truly an energetic system. We have five energetic bodies the physical body being the last and most dense — and when it reaches the physical body, it has already lived, happened, and been picked up or co-created within the five energetic bodies in order for us to have a physical experience.

Ascending Humanity

We are now living in a Time of going inward, where understanding the invisible aspects of our self is no longer an option but critical for survival into the next life light zone that planet Earth is spinning into.

Science and spirituality go hand-in-hand and cannot be separated. The science of spirituality is critical for the human mind to be able to comprehend the vastness and the infinite immortality of the life force that we call the soul or the spirit. The spirituality of science is necessary to understand the infinite aspects and the levels of creation of the vastness of the multiverse and how every living thing was created with sacred reference — honoring Source Creator of all in existence.

Your soul can take many different shapes, colors, sounds, and vibrations. Your true authentic self is formless. You are eternal. Every morning, your soul wakes up consciously in a human biological time suit that is finite. This enables you to move throughout this realm of existence and experience this dimension on this planet. You have many different Consciousness access points that you can physically go to. To say I am human is to say I am fingernail and deny the other parts of your body that makes the whole.

You are a soul spiritual consciousness being having a human experience.

Your soul is plasmatic and mercurous in nature. Mercury is a substance that is neither liquid, fluid, or solid, but contains nano-crystallization and encodement of your soul's program and life code. When you become consciously aware and tap into the Master soul — you will then begin to recall all lifetimes, all incarnations, all embodiments, and all existences across the multiverse that your soul has experienced with or without a human body.

Essentially you are a living liquid Crystal with vast knowledge and abilities to bring the force and power of the cosmic Universal construct to and through you — literally bringing heavenly realms here on Earth by pulling from the eternal infinite intelligence Source field and processing it through your biological human transducer.

To put this in layman's terms, you are a radio tower that is privileged to have the capability of picking up the Divine heavenly frequencies of pure abundance, pure joy, and true Eternal peace which passes all understanding — always being provided for, supported, connected, and knowing the golden Divine thread of your purpose and incarnation here.

The key to accessing this ancient Eternal wisdom is to know how to properly tune your human body to receive the frequencies in the Eternal truth of your soul's original coding.

Just like the tomato seed was coded to grow the fruit of the tomato — once planted, that seed cannot harvest a pumpkin or banana because the genetic coding is not of that nature. You too have a specific genetic coding and a soul mission that you consciously chose to come down to this realm to fulfill. It is your birthright and your Divine inheritance to be able to live heaven on Earth, pursuing and fulfilling your soul's mission with calmness ease and divine support along the way.

The image of man was designed so perfectly that the soul's ability to utilize God had wisdom and power on this planet and it was effortless, common, and required for survival. We are now at a time of deep remembering of who we were originally as a species. It is time to see who you truly are, discovering and experiencing the real multi-dimensional universe that your Consciousness and soul are active in, whether you are aware of it or not.

Who You Are

The Divine symbol of Who You Are has many bodies, many forms — think of yourself as a movable, pliable field of ever-advancing, ever-creating, ad constantly moving plasmatic mercurius crystalchrism.

You can take form, move at the speed of light, be light, move to different realms, bi-locate to other planets, Quantum jump, heal your biological human suit, and upload & download from the eternal mind. We all have psychic abilities including telepathy, levitation, telekinesis, and more — it is a matter of exercising and strengthening those spiritual muscles to truly live our Divine human experience, as it was created for us.

To grade your authentic soul / higher self into your physical human body and to truly have the pure, graceful experience that is required at this time to live in the symbiotic flow of divine love as planetary — Earth Gaia moves into a new sector and frequency of the multiverse reclaiming her position back in the galactic family that she was taken from.

The purpose of life is to connect the human biological transducer to the Divine Eternal source and work as a fluid field of programmable states of form and Consciousness points to channel the divine. We are all called to be living witnesses of the Divine working through us. Our body vehicle is here to experience the gifts of God, designed only for the human species.