Stem Cell Crystalline Oscillation
DNA & RNA Recoding
Bioenergetic Field Healing

Regenerative Medicine
Cellular Detox & Biological Reset

BioEnergetic Modalities Implemented Promotes Cell Regrowth

Alison Rose Grace is a Quantum Researcher, Global Visionary, and Self-Realization Facilitator

She has dedicated the last 15 years of her life to discovering and witnessing cures for chronic ailments and diseases that Western medicine deemed untreatable.

As a pioneer in Integrative and Alternative Medicine, Alison's work is centered on the protocols and research of the top minds in quantum physics, bioenergetics, epigenetics, and neuroplasticity.

Her practice, which spans globally with a focus on harnessing the biofield of the body and the electromagnetic field of the quantum universe to reprogram and recalibrate neural pathways and circuits, ultimately unlocking healing pathways that have been in-active and dormant.

Alison empowers her clients to live whole and healthy balanced lives in Body, Mind, and Spirit by bridging the gap between Western and Eastern Medicine and marrying Science and Spirituality.

Through her teachings, she guides individuals in applying the new Quantum model of medicine, where Consciousness is the ground of all being, allowing them to take health and healing into their own hands.

Alison believes that it's time for a revolution and is committed to leading society and individuals into a new way of existence through Energy Medicine.

  • Working with the body’s biofield that regulates the function of cells, tissues, and organisms, identifying and treating the cause of the pain and disease.

  • Working with the body’s electromagnetic field to raise the frequency of blocked or damaged tissues, cells or neural pathways to restore the body to homeostasis.

  • Reprogramming the subconscious mind and correcting neural pathways and brain circuits that are blocked causing you stress and illness.

  • Refers to external modifications to DNA that turn genes "on" or "off." These modifications do not change the DNA sequence, but instead, they affect how cells "read" genes.

Protocols and Modalities Implemented

As is the human body, so is the cosmic body. As is the human mind, so is the cosmic mind. As is the microcosm, so is the macrocosm. As is the atom, so is the universe.
— The Upanishads

Alison Rose Grace

Galactic Ambassador For Planetary Consciousness Ascension

Alison Rose Grace is a Quantum Researcher and Multidimensional Healer, dedicated to revolutionizing the field of healthcare through her pioneering work in Sonoluminal Technology and Biophoton Modulation using the electromagnetic life force of existence in every sub-atomic particle we contain.

Alison has spent the last 15 years unraveling the mysteries of chronic ailments and diseases that were once considered untreatable by Western medicine. Her practice is rooted in the cutting-edge research of leading experts in quantum physics, bioenergetics, epigenetics, and neuroplasticity. She has harnessed this knowledge to develop innovative approaches that tap into the biofield of the body and the electromagnetic field of the quantum universe.

Alison is in the business of regeneration by applying her training under the Quantum model of medicine, where Consciousness serves as the foundation of all existence. Through her teachings, she guides individuals to engage in the informational field of data that each cell and electron contain, in order to remove blockages or reattune diseased or dissonant cells back into a state of self-regulation and self-healing.


The ability to reprogram and recalibrate neural pathways and circuitries in the energy bodies in order to HEAL symptoms and live a whole and healthy balanced life in Body, Mind, and Spirit.


Lifetime work as an ambassador for humanity in serving souls the reunion, realignment and reconnection with Source Creator of All.


Application of the new Quantum model of medicine where Consciousness is the ground of all being, empowering you to take health and healing into your own hands.